On Saturday, December 5, 2015 B'Art Contemporary, in conjunction with the Bishkek International Women’s Club (BIWC), held an 'Open Studio Tour', presenting the works of several well-known artists in Kyrgyzstan: Dogdurbek Nurgaziev, Ormon Idirisov, Kanybek Daveltov, Askar Turumbekov, Suiutbek Torobekov, Bekten Usubaliev, Eugeny Lusogorov, Sapar Osmonaliev, Jusup Mataev, and others. At 11am, the studio opened its doors. More than 100 visitors stopped by to meet the artists, visit their individual studios and see their work. Paintings, drawings and sculptures were on display and for sale. The artists welcomed visitors and happily answered questions regarding artistic inspiration, challenges faced by contemporary artists, and how artists developed their particular style of painting. Adding to the interest of the studio tour was the historic building itself: the artists’ studios are located in a fascinating former Soviet-era art factory. The BIWC looks forward to future collaborations with B'Art Contemporary.