2019 Nomadic Art Camp

2019 Nomadic Art Camp

The Nomadic Art Camp 2019 focused for collaboration with international art scene and took place on the shores of the mountain lakes Son-Kul and Issyk-Kul in the Tien Shan foothills and the Ala-Too Square on the Great Silk Road. It reflects Nomadic culture as a rich source in searching for new spiritual and aesthetic concepts and uses the strong methods of contemporary art for confronting and questioning the modern world. Participants explored how the environment can affect their professional activities using art as a means of expression. They pondered the art’s power of change by depicting the situation today and its threats and how they would like it to be, and assessed in which way art represents our current, past and present culture. The exploration promoted mutual interactions inspired by the natural environment, resulting in creative concepts of the artists who represent different cultural origins and work in various contemporary art forms.

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